
Lightening the Load

It is somewhat ironic that most people I know are scurrying around buying stuff for the Holidays whereas I am desperately fighting off the holiday consumption bug, trying to maintain some sort of momentum for dispersing belongings that I no longer need and that surely someone else desperately does. After such great garage sale momentum, I have to admit, my fervor for paring down has somewhat mellowed. I do get a kick visiting the drive through Goodwill drop off in Bellingham. Though, Yes, I miss the beloved Exchange. At the same time... Goodwill takes everything you hand them and even gives you a blank little receipt to fill out to your liking for the IRS. I'm collecting those and happily anticipating tax time. 

So, as you can see, we're not in Bali yet, but we do have a wall in the house we are renting dedicated to making lists of everything one would need to do to move their life across the globe. It's all coming together slowly but surely. A house that I fell in love with on our first trip to Bali is available for rent, so we're thinking that may be our home for the first six months! Here's a link if you want to take a look.
A House in the Hills above Lovina, Bali

Bryan has decided to go back to school online so he can learn how to create websites and other nifty things related to multimedia technology.  I am thrilled that he will be taking on that part of our future business! We are busy working out details for visas and researching business for sale and lease that might fit our dreams. Of course, we'll wait to get there and settle before jumping in. At least that's what we tell everyone so they won't worry. Bryan reminds people of his new motto... "You know.... no one ever jumped a 20 foot chasm in two ten foot jumps."

Well.... that's the latest. Zoey is having a ball with her grandparents and their new puppy, Maisy. She talks about all of our dear friends on the island often. Thanks to everyone who has hosted us on our trips back to the island to settle all the bajillion details.  We love being your house guests and you've made us feel so at home.

More later....  Heather

PS... for the record and in response to Bryan's post-garage sale sentimental and poetic post: I HAVE actually seen a sunrise before and while I may have been somewhat stunned by the beauty of the garage sale morning mist, I didn't think the sky was falling or anything.

PPS... click HERE to get our new address and phone numbers.